V&T Commission

The V&T Commission.

In the early 1990s, V&T Railway enthusiasts along with Storey County, Carson City, and state officials began studying the possibility of reconstructing the historic rail line between Virginia City and Carson City. A financial study was commissioned, which indicated that the railroad was feasible, and the non-profit Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway was created to raise money for the project, estimated to cost $25 million when completed.

During the next decade, the railroad project made slow progress as the commission acquired right-of-way easements and financial commitments. Starting in 2005, the project—pun intended—picked up steam. The Nevada Department of Transportation awarded a $3.8 million contract to extend the railroad south from Gold Hill. The contract included filling in a huge open pit mine called the Overman Pit, which had blocked previous efforts to lengthen the railroad (the pit had been dug after the railroad was abandoned). Funding for this was provided by a 2% increase in room tax by the CCCVB. Additionally, the commission purchased a 1914 Baldwin steam locomotive from a defunct Northern California tourist railroad for $420,000.

The Nevada Legislature provided $500,000 in additional funds to help keep the project going while the Department of Transportation donated a railroad bridge formerly used in Southern Nevada for a crossing over U.S. 50.

The Legislature also granted Carson City permission to raise its sales tax by one-eighth of a cent to fund a big portion of the remaining expenses. The CCCVB and Storey County have also pledged additional funds annually. The reconstructed railroad closely follows the original railroad right-of-way between Virginia City and Carson City. The ride incorporates the Virginia and Truckee Railroad Company’s 2.5 miles of existing track from Virginia City to the Gold Hill Depot. From there, crosses the filled-in Overman Pit and continue through American Flat, a former mining mill district, before reaching U.S. 50 near Mound House. The route crosses the highway and enters the Carson River Canyon area, where it winds along the banks of the river.

Eastgate Depot
4650 Eastgate Siding Road
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1711
Carson City, Nevada 89702

V&T Railway Commissioners FY 2025

David Peterson
Carson City Culture & Tourism Authority

Clay Mitchell
Storey County

Leah Kruse
Virginia City Tourism Commission

Stephanie Hicks
City of Carson City

Michelle Schmitter
Governor’s Appointee

Contracted Services

Executive Assistant
Cherrie Bailey

Track Services/Train Operations
Thomas Gray, Virginia & Truckee Railroad Company

Legal Counsel
Carson City District Attorney’s Office

Engineering On-Call Services

Track Maintenance
Chris Fretter dba Battle Born Rail

To receive monthly meeting agendas of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway call 775-686-9037.


Commission Meetings

The V&T Railway Commission typically meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, meetings are open to the public. The meetings are held at 9:00 a.m. at the Carson City Community Center in the Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 E. William St., Carson City, NV 89701.

Unless otherwise noted, the upcoming 2024 meetings will be held on the following dates:

  • January 22,2025

V&T Railway Commission Special Meeting - October 13, 2023

V&T Railway 2024-01 - Executive Assistant Contract Position

RFP V&T RAILWAY COMMISSION 2023-003 Executive Assistant

V&T Commission Special Workshop Agenda & Notice of Possible Quorum

RFP V&T RAILWAY COMMISSION 2022-01 Polar Express Theater Productions Services

V&T Commission Special Workshop Agenda & Notice of Possible Quorum

RFP 2021-26 Track Maintenance Services

V&T Railway Commission Notice of Possible Quorum - August 21, 2021

V&T Railway Commission June 24, 2021

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA – CORRECTED ~ late material ~ to correct meeting “day” to Thursday


20210624 Approved VT Railway Commission Meeting Minutes

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 05a. FY22 Budget Hearing Minutes 05.18.21

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 05b. Regular Meeting Minutes 05.18.21

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 06. FY21 Statement of AP Checks for May 21 & June 4 2021

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 07. FY21 Budget Report as of May 2021

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 09. FY21 Budget Line Item Transfers

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 10. Confidentiality Agreement with Rail Events

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 11. PEX Event Agreement with Rail Events

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 11b. Rail Events 2021 Polar Express Presentation

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 12. Contract No. FY21-C005 with C.J. Wilson, LLC-DBA Lollipop Productions

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 13. Contract No. FY21-C006 with Virginia Truckee Railroad

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 14. Second Amendment of the Independent Rail Bike Rides Service Agreement with Freedom Rail

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 15. SOQ 2021-001 for V&T Railway external audit services

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 16. E720 Eastgate Depot Expansion Site Usage

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 17. Single Switch Point Derail at Milepost 7.61

20210624 VT COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 18. V&T Railway Commission ethics, conflict of interest, and Open Meeting Law policies

V&T Railway Commission Notice of Possible Quorum - June 11 , 2021

V&T Railway Commission FY22 Budget Hearing - May 18, 2021

1:00 pm in the Carson City Community Center Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 E. William St., Carson City, NV 89701

20210518 VT FY22 Budget Hearing Agenda

20210518 Approved VT Railway Commission Budget Hearing Minutes



Revised 2022 V&T Tentative Budget:

Revised 2022 V&T Tentative Budget 5-12-21


CANCELLED - V&T Railway Commission February 25, 2021

Cancelled – Reschedule for March 3, 2021


V&T Railway Commission November 15, 2020

V&T Railway Commission September 24, 2020

V&T Railway Commission April 30, 2020 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission March 26, 2020 Meeting - Cancelled

V&T Railway Commission February 27, 2020 Meeting

V&T Railway Audit Meeting February 20, 2020

V&T Railway Commission January 30, 2020 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission October 31, 2019 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission September 26, 2019 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission August 29, 2019 Meeting

August 29, 2019 1:00 pm – Carson City Community Center Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 E. William St., Carson City, NV

V&T Railway Commission July 25, 2019 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission June 27, 2019 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission May 30, 2019 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission April 25, 2019 Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

VT Railway Commission March 28, 2019 Meeting

V&T Railway Commission February 28, 2019 Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

V&T Railway Commission January 31, 2019

V&T Railway Commission October 25, 2018 Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

V&T Railway Commission August 2018

V&T Railway Commission July 2018

V&T Railway Commission June 2018